
privacy policy

gift vouchers in1

Your privacy is important to us. We, the In1 Solutions Team, are sensitive about our own privacy. We, in turn, endeavour to treat your information with the same respect we would wish for our own.

Our approach: Never ask for anything more than the basic information needed to manage a transaction, such as First Name, Last Name, Email and Phone Number (Address if a voucher needs to be sent by post). Request the minimum, collect and keep securely, erase or obfuscate as soon as is practical. If we need to communicate, we always offer an unsubscribe. Provided there is no active transaction (room booking, voucher sale, etc.), we honour any request to be forgotten (deleted from database) as soon practicable, but no longer than 14 days.

That means we’re committed to protecting and safeguarding any personal data you share with us. We commit to collecting and storing the minimum amount of information possible for the shortest time necessary to enable us to service any transaction. We wholly support the right to be forgotten under GDPR.

Here we describe how we use and process your personal data, provided in a transparent manner.

In1 Services include:

Creative Website Design

Digital Marketing

Sales & Marketing

Pay Per Click

Search Engine Optimisation


Our services may be accessed directly via In1 managed websites or integrated by URL link from the websites of our partners. When you use our services, those services are run specifically on In1 managed web, application, and database servers secured under SSL. The security of those servers and databases is the responsibility of In1 Solutions.

The information that follows applies to all In1 platforms. Our services are accessed from desktop PCs, tablets, mobile phones, TVs, etc. Our websites and services are normally referred to as “responsive” in that the websites and services respond in terms of layout and interaction based on the hardware type that is accessing them. As a result, the same website or service may look a little different on, for example, a mobile phone versus a desktop PC, but it is the same website/service. Therefore, multiple platforms, one environment, one privacy statement.

This statement applies to any kind of information we collect through these platforms or by other means connected or related to these platforms (such as contacting our Customer Support Team via email). We may amend the Privacy Statement from time to time as the online environment evolves and legislation changes. If you are interested in our policies, please visit this page regularly.

If you disagree with this Privacy Statement, we advise you discontinue using our services, but please don’t hesitate to let us know why. If you agree with our Privacy Statement, continue.

What kind of personal information does In1 Solutions collect?

When you use our services, there are certain pieces of information we ask for. These include your name and possibly that of others travelling with you (or the lucky recipient of a gift), contact details for the above (though we keep this to a minimum), and your payment information.

In addition to this, we also collect analytics information from your computer. This can include IP address, the browser you used to access our services, your language settings, etc. This is simply for security purposes or to improve our services. We do not collect any personally identifiable information when we generate statistics. Out interest is in high level analysis of our users’ origin at country level, the language used, the speed of our system responses, what browser or devices are used, etc. We collect minimum relevant information, as you are entitled to your privacy. So, the less we collect, the better.

Why do we collect and use your contact data?

The reason we ask for your contact details is to manage your online transaction to ensure you get the service required and keep your information safe. We also use your name and email address, with your permission, to contact you and to inform you of deals and special offers. You can, of course, opt-out of any follow-on communications not pertinent to your immediate (current) transaction.

How do we share your data with third parties?

There are different parties integrated into our systems in various ways and for various reasons. The primary purpose is to share your transaction data with the service providers to complete your transaction.

If you book a room, we tell the accommodation provider. If you buy a voucher, we tell that service provider.

If we need to take a payment or deposit, we communicate securely (SSL) with your credit card provider. That process is subject to strict security standards, namely PCI/DSS compliance. In1 Solutions services are PCI/DSS compliant.

We can also act to pass on communications you send to the relevant service providers. In all cases, your transaction confirmation will include the direct contact information of the supplier, so you can bypass us completely, if you so choose.

We never, ever build or sell contact databases.

Social Media and In1 Solutions

The use of social media services may be integrated into our transactional services, which will involve us collecting some of your personal data, or the social media provider receiving some of your information.

How do we safeguard your personal data?

In accordance with European Data Protection Laws, we observe reasonable procedures to prevent unauthorised access to, or the misuse of, personal data. We never retain Credit Card CVV data (often, we don’t even ask for it if the Credit Card is being used to guarantee a transaction) and other credit card details will be stored for no longer than the duration of the transaction.

Personal Data of Children

You may only use our services if you are over 18 years of age. We only process information about children based on the information entered. This will only extend to name and in some cases age (or age range) if a child is to be included in a room reservation. Such information may only be supplied by, and therefore with the consent of, the booker.

How can you control the personal data you have given to us?

You always have the right to review the personal information we keep about you. You can request an overview of your personal data by emailing us or contacting our support team. If there is no current transaction in process in the system, we will happily delete the information at your request.

Who is responsible for the management of personal data on the In1 Solutions websites and transaction services?

In1 Solutions is registered in Europe (Ireland) and is subject to EU rules on the gathering and protection of personal information. In1 Solutions controls the processing of personal data on its secure websites and database servers.

For further information, please visit the GDPR site.